Take Your Service
to a Higher Level

Create uplifting service experiences to
inspire your customers, energize your
team, and transform your organization.

Succeeding with Service
in Turbulent Times

In a world of change, we must deliver better customer experiences and higher value with service commitment and genuine care. Leaders and teams who step UP to this level will flourish and succeed.

Succeed with customer service culture

The Future of Customer Experience is Care

future of service is care - Ron Kaufman

A service transformation has begun in education, business,
government, and communities worldwide. Organizations
with Uplifting Service are leading us into the future.

Uplifting Service Book

In this New York Times bestseller, Ron Kaufman reveals
the principles you can apply to become distinguished by
Uplifting Service, and the tools you can use to build a
sustainable service culture.
Uplifting Service Book New York Times bestseller

Discover the Results You Can Achieve

Develop a service-oriented culture led by motivated team members who
drive continuous customer experience improvement throughout the organization.

Experience the #1 Customer Service
Development Program in the World

Ranked best in the world by Global Gurus, our Uplifting Service programs
enable leaders and teams to deliver outstanding service experiences.

Custom Keynote

Boost understanding
and motivation with
Ron's custom programs
and presentations.

Service Leadership

Align your leadership
team with the Uplifting
Service methodology
and mindset.

Workshop Leader

Develop highly trained
leaders who inspire
service improvements
and innovations.

Online Learning
and Support

Empower every
member of your team
with engaging online
learning experiences.

Uplifting Service Culture Around the World

Get Started on the Path to Uplifting Service

Speak with a strategist to explore what’s possible for your organization.
Gain clarity on your biggest and most valuable opportunities.
Discover how we can help you achieve your service goals.

The Journey Home

In March, Jen and I were cruising in the Straits of Magellan. By the time our cruise was over, the global pandemic was raging. When we finally arrived back home to Singapore, we began a profound rebirth. Our vision is unfolding. We look forward making this happen with you.

How has this year transformed you? What new vision of the future are you working toward?

If you would like to leave a comment, please share your thoughts with us here on LinkedIn.

Do You Want to Serve Better,
Care More, and Love Life?

Join our worldwide Uplifting Community.
Receive free resources, education, and ideas.
Create positive change in your life and in the world.
Ron Kaufman